Bank credit card usage behavior of individuals; are credit cards considered as status symbols or are they really threats to consumers´ budgets? A field study from Eskisehir, Turkey

Koparal, C., Calik, N.           


This survey intends to find out the “bank credit card usage behavior” of the consumers where store and other loyalty cards are excluded from this survey. A survey is applied to 916 respondents selected via stratified sampling of which 880 are found eligible to be analyzed; Eskişehir is a city of Turkey with 700.000 inhabitants. The respondents are required to answer 45 questions of which first eight are of descriptive type on nominal scale and the last five are related to demographic characteristics of these respondents. The rest 32 are statements which are designed to reflect the credit card usage behavior of these people. The study consists of five parts. The first part is an introduction where the history of credit cards in Turkey together with the scope and the purpose of the study are concisely stated. The second part relates to the theoretical background of the subject matter and the prior researches carried out so far. The third part deals with research methodology, basic premises and hypotheses attached to these premises. Research model and analyses take place in this section. Theoretical framework is built and a variable name is assigned to each of the question asked or proposition forwarded to the respondents of this survey. 32 statements or propositions given to the respondents are placed on a five-point Likert scale where 1 represents strongly disagree; 2 disagree; 3 neither agree nor disagree; 4 agree and 5 strongly agree. The last five questions about demographic traits as age, gender, occupation, educational level and monthly income are placed either on a nominal or ratio scale with respect to the nature of the trait. Six research hypotheses are formulated in this section. The fourth part mainly deals with the results of the hypothesis tests and a factor analysis is applied to the data on hand. Here exploratory factor analysis reduces 32 variables to eight basic components. KMO test of sampling adequacy and scale reliability test proved high scores as 0.891 and 0.696 respectively. In addition non-parametric biraviate analysis in terms of Chi-Square test is applied to test the hypotheses formulated in this respect. The fifth part is the conclusion where findings of this survey are listed.

Keywords: Self-esteem, default on loans, compulsive buying behavior, price sensitivity, excessive card usage



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