Drug trafficking is one of the most profitable illegal activities of organized crime along with human trafficking, contraband, economic crime, money laundering and constitutes one of the main financial sources of financing terrorist acts internationally. Data for the first application against drug-dependence treatment show a steady increase its even an exponential shape. Among those who use drugs on a regular basis, it appears that heroin users are in the highest proportion. Albania with its geographical position in the so-called “Balkan route” somehow favors transit and trafficking of narcotics mainly heroin. Albania is not only a transit route of illegal drugs, but it is where cultivated drugs (mostly Cannabis Indica), produced (marijuana and hashish oil), marketed locally and abused. Analyzing the situation and assess the risk efforts to combat drugs should focus mainly against the cultivation, production and trafficking of drugs by transited through Albania, and their trafficking within the country. It should be noted that it is important to note that increasing the efficiency of agencies engaged in the fight against drugs has resulted in increased quantities seized and made criminal groups seeking new ways and methods of illegal traffic. Due to the serious nature of the problems associated with drug trafficking and abuses with them, it is necessary to assess that how far competent mechanisms and institutions respond to this phenomenon.
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