Ecological entrepreneurship as a basis for social responsibility of business

Valeryanovna, S. P.

In the developed countries a concept of corporate social responsibility of business came into scientific and sociopolitical use. The situation in Russia is radically different. Nevertheless, last few years saw a birth of a principally new phenomenon at the interface of both ecological and economic systems of the country, which is a phenomenon of ecological entrepreneurship. Ecological entrepreneurship is associated with an activity, which is conducted for minimizing risks of the influence on all components of the environment with due regard to ecological preferences in the system of economic relations, and which is aimed at systematic gaining of profits on efficient use of property, natural and secondary resources, sale of goods, and performance of work and services. Criteria for reference of entrepreneurial structures to ecological entrepreneurship can be associated with a continuous improvement in quality of the environment as a result of ecological entrepreneurial functioning; a dominant (or predominant) role of ecological utility in general utility of the results of ecological 64 entrepreneurial performance; a dominant (or predominant) rate of ecological innovations. The article defines the concepts of social responsibility of business, ecologically oriented and ecological entrepreneurships as well as directions of their development in Russia and formation of new ecological thinking in the sphere of entrepreneurial performance. A degree of ecological business development reflects a degree of moral and ethic responsibility for results of increase in production and enables considerable changes in ecological situation of the country and improvement in both environment protection and use of natural resources. The formation of ecologically oriented and ecological entrepreneurships is able to become one of the key elements of support for the country on its way to a stable economy, favorable social situation and ecological security.



APA citation

  • Valeryanovna, S. P. (2012). Ecological entrepreneurship as a basis for social responsibility of business. International Journal of Economic Sciences, I(1), 56–64.

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