The Health promotion is being described as a process of illness prevention conducted by keeping the healthy lifestyle. It primarily provides more time to use and increase individual’s human capital and maximize personal income. Individuals may employ two different ways to minimize their sick leave. Actively by the health promotion, or in the passive way by the treatment of and recovery after illness. Both alternatives of individual behaviour can be shown using the model of demand for health by Grossman (1972). The growing incidence of mostly incurable and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) rules out the passive approach as irrational choice. Adoption of proactive approach to health prevents behaviour with bounded rationality. The cause for this behaviour can be explained by the behavioral economics analysis, specifically by the effects of insufficient self-control, procrastination, framing, status quo bias or loss aversion effect. Economic interpretation of individual approach to own health offers significant improvement of the health promotion concept, its scope and efficiency.
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