How to determine the efficiency of the land legislation: a few notes and considerations from Russia

Anisimov, A. P., Zemlyakova, G. L., Ryzhenkov, A. Y.


In many countries, the authority of the legislative bodies falls in the estimation of the public, which is confirmed by surveys of sociologists. The reason for this is the inefficient activity of legislative bodies, which adopt laws being negatively evaluated by the electorate. The authors of the article propose a set of criteria for evaluating the efficiency of the land legislation, for the analysis they use the Land Code of the Russian and the Law governing the expropriation of lands in Sochi for the construction of Olympic facilities. It is proved that the law cannot be considered effective if it restricts the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in violation of the Constitution, but the implementation of its rules nevertheless led to the achievement of the objectives of a legislator. In order a law could be considered effective, it is necessary to perform an additional assessment on the basis of economic, axiological, psychological and other criteria. Environmental criteria related to the negative impact of the rules of the land legislation on the environment take a special place in the system of such criteria. The authors suggest their own model to strengthen the public participation in the legislative work, allowing to enhance the legislation efficiency.

Keywords: Efficiency; federalism, environment protection; land legislation; evaluation category; natural resource.



APA citation

  • Anisimov, A. P., Zemlyakova, G. L., Ryzhenkov, A. Y., (2014). How to determine the efficiency of the land legislation: a few notes and considerations from Russia. International Journal of Social Sciences, III(5), pp. 10-24.

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