With the Covid-19 pandemic forcing organizations to work remotely, this paper presents a wide-ranging study of factors affecting the transition from physical to online operations, and the management and conduct of business online. A literature review summarizes years of research on remote work, while an international survey done in August 2020 collects input from managers in 158 organizations dealing with pandemic-related lockdowns. Topics include impacts on productivity, employee morale, and management workload. Sampled organizations range from manufacturing and retail firms to schools and universities. Cross-sector analysis allows inquiry into why, for instance, productivity and morale may decline in some places but improve in others.
Remote work, covid-19 pandemic, managing in the pandemic, organizational behavior in the pandemic, managing remote work, managing work-from-home, managing online, online morale, online productivity
DOI: 10.20472/BM.2021.9.1.004
APA citation:
BARBARA A. MANKO, JERZY ROSINSKI (2021). A Cross-Sector International Study of Remote Work and its Management in the Pandemic. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. IX(1), pp. 63-77. , DOI: 10.20472/BM.2021.9.1.004
Copyright © 2021, Barbara A. Manko et al, bam43@psu.edu