Advertising effectiveness and efficiency are one of the basic criteria which affect the selection of the particular type of media to be used. Both criteria are closely related, although they both speak of different objectives. The research into efficiency of advertising focuses on its communication effect, whereas the research into effectiveness focuses on its ability to fulfil economic objectives. Therein lies the biggest difference between effectiveness, i.e. the ability to remember the advertising message and efficiency, i.e. the influence on the buying behaviour of consumers. However, advertising must be efficient in order to be effective. The authors of this paper direct their attention to effectiveness of advertising in print media. In doing so, they analyse the ability to recall advertising in magazines and the factors which influence this ability. They compare the effect of the size and position of advertising, the reasons for recall and they also focus on the influence of buying intention and the stage of the buying process on advertising effectiveness. As a part of the survey, there is also a comparison of the influence of particular types of media on selecting or buying products and services and their role in the buying behaviour of the respondents. The survey involved 30 respondents, who had 12 magazines and 286 advertisements at their disposal.
Magazines. Advertising. Print media. Effectiveness.
DOI: 10.20472/BM.2017.5.2.001
APA citation:
LUDMILA CABYOVA, PETER KRAJCOVIC (2017). The influence of selected factors on the effectiveness of print media advertising . International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. V(2), pp. 1-16. , DOI: 10.20472/BM.2017.5.2.001
Copyright © 2017, Ludmila Cabyova et al, ludmila.cabyova@gmail.com