Leading the World Bank:The Wolfensohn, Wolfowitz, and Zoellick Presidencies

Bazbauers, A. R.

This paper examines the World Bank since the mid 1990s, with specific focus on the Office of its President, held consecutively by James D. Wolfensohn (1995-2005), Paul Wolfowitz (2005-2007), and Robert B. Zoellick (2007- 2012). What has each president brought to this highly debated institution? Has each improved upon their predecessors‘ legacies, or has the old just been recycled and refitted in a new storefront? And what does this entail for economic development and growth? By analysing the leadership of these three men and their ideological bases, this paper provides a snapshot of recent changes in the mainstream development discourse.



APA citation

  • Bazbauers, A. R. (2012). Leading the World Bank:The Wolfensohn, Wolfowitz, and Zoellick Presidencies. International Journal of Economic Sciences, I(1), 2–18.

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