Intl Conference on Economics, Finance & Business, Vienna




Business world statistics and existing academic research highlight the importance of influencer marketing. The customer is a human being with emotions playing a significant role. How individuals react to particular stimuli (e.g. in the form of influencer ads) and what emotions these stimuli evoke is important for companies and organisations. The use of traditional marketing research tools alone is insufficient for this purpose. Emotionally driven marketing campaigns can contribute to the virality of the content and have a significant impact on brand loyalty. Therefore, a combination of traditional marketing research tools with neuroscience tools seems to be useful. The aim of this contribution is to present a tool that reveals felt emotions (emotional reactions) and the results that this research yields. This tool quantifies the felt emotions (emotional reactions) induced by a video, post or reels of an influencer on the attitudes of the particuler viewers, or followers within the audience. In a practical demonstration, we will track the attitudes perceived by the test subjects using FaceReader software for facial expression recognition, eye tracking, Emotional Expressivity Scale (EES) and Personality Inventory Scale.

Keywords: FaceReader; influencer; marketing research

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