Presupposed demographic changes in the contemporary population and their influence on public state spending

Doležalová, I., & Bušovská, M.

The paper analyses the changes in public spending on pensions. The default variable is public spending on pensions as a percentage of the GDP. This variable is analysed by decomposition of the individual factors. These factors include the rate of dependence determined as a percentage of the population over 65 years on the economically active group of population aged 15 to 64, the employment effect as a percentage of employed persons in the group of the economically active per sons aged 15 to 64 years, the rate of pensioners to the population of people aged over 65 years, and finally the average pension per employee performance (GDP per employee). The analysis is based on the research titled Public Pension Expenditure in the EPC and the European Commission Projections: an Analysis of the Projection Results from 2006.



APA citation

  • Doležalová, I., & Bušovská, M. (2012). Presupposed demographic changes in the contemporary population and their influence on public state spending. International Journal of Economic Sciences, I(1), 38–55.

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