The aim of this research is to present the family farm income and its determinants according to the type of production of farms in the EU countries in 2004-2016. Research is based on European Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), which includes information about average farms in the EU-28. These data include basic information about economic situation of 2335 production types according to the TF8 grouping, i.e.: fieldcrops, horticulture, wine, other permanent crops, milk, other grazing livestock, granivores and mixed. In this paper an attempt is made to use the panel models to evaluate the determinants of family farm income. The Gretl program is used to evaluate fixed effect models and random effect models allowing to indicate determinants of family farm income depending on the farm’s type of production.
Keywords: FADN, family farm income, panel data
DOI: 10.20472/EFC.2018.010.031
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