Proceedings of the 10th International Academic Conference, Vienna




In this study it is aimed to understand the life standarts of the living of teachers working in both public and the private sector by examining through their spending habits. The universe of the research is consşsted of the teachers working in public and private sector in Silifke. The sampel of the search is consisted of 103 teachers. 70 of the teachers are working in public and 33 of them are working in the private sector. A survey consisting of 50 questions were applied to this group of workers. The result obtained were analyzed by usung SPSS software. Chi-Square Test was used to compare the standarts of the living of teachers working in the public and private sector by examining their expenditures and to find out whether there is a statistically rational between the expenditures structure and the standarts of the living or not. The results are below; According to the results, it is understood that % 61 of the teachers have 3001 TL and more income, % 44,6 of them have 4001 TL and more income every month. % 87 of them don’t have a beach house. % 66 of the teachers have a house and % 75 of them have a car, % 7,7 of the teachers g oto holiday regularly and % 3,8 of them g oto cinema regularly. The ratio of the average Money spend on social facilities is % 2. The living standars of the teachers working in the private sector are lower than the ones working in the public sector. Besides, it is observed that both private and public sector teachers have a very low ratio of attendance in the concerts, holidays, sports, cultural and other social facilities. Looking at the teachers’ incomes, spending attitudes and social conditions, it can clearly be seen that teachers have to ignore those facilities and cut down their expenses. According to the survey results, it is seen that teachers Who are married and have a working wife are in better conditions than the ones whose wives aren’t working or who are single.

Keywords: Spending habits, living standarts, private and public sector teachers

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