Proceedings of the 10th International Academic Conference, Vienna




This paper will emphasize contemporary approaches of online management structure for arts and cultural institutions. Turbulent economic environment calls for flexible managerial strategies, which will establish balance between traditional values and continual drive for innovations, due to more complex external business factors. WEB technology follows a large scale of customers’ needs, and thus formulates a new paradigm for cultural management. In this paper Internet influences on the level of cultural management effectiveness will be researched. New presentation concepts and restructuring data bases in institutions network will be examined. Project Europeana will be presented as the example of successful data classification, creation of virtual exhibitions and digital libraries, which will be used as a framework for further quantitative and qualitative analysis of heritage archiving. Paper will also explore some of the representative examples of Internet related presentations of cultural heritage such as Google Books and Google Art project. Selected Serbian national initiatives presenting cultural heritage via Internet will be discussed and various aspects of accessibility of digital materials originating in Serbian heritage institutions will be analyzed. Business strategies modeling via Internet makes final cultural products more accessible for end users, by simple and fast information and knowledge transfer. Present and future impact of museums and library data digitalization will be investigated, with special focus on practice from the Republic of Serbia. By usage of relevant statistical data, cultural institutions in Serbia will be considered. Important culture projects will be shown, including archeological findings and the cultural route of the Roman emperors in Serbia. Development perspectives will be presented, with the proposition of solutions for their online realization. Paper will also look into new trends in higher education available trough Internet, chiefly represented by MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), in the context of their cultural repercussions and influence they might have as an alternative medium for cultural and educational content broadcast. Challenges that employers, employees and general public face today in this area will be discussed as well as the importance and significance of OA (Open Access) business models in culture and education.

Keywords: Cultural management; Internet; Digital museum; Culture projects; Virtual library; Online cultural content

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