The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual framework investigating the determinants of mobile crowdsourcing technology acceptance and use in the crises management of Arab Spring societies. To achieve its objectives, this research has extended the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to study the major determinants of the behavioral intention to accept or adopt crowdsourcing technology. The proposed extended model incorporates five constructs, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, subjective norms, hedonic motivation, and cultural values.It is highly acknowledged that organizations in the Arab business setting are late adopters of IT applications (Sabri, 2004; Yaseen; 2005; Yaseen; 2008; Sukkar and Hasan; 2005; Abu shanab et al; 2010). Despite the increased usage of mobile and Internet applications, recent studies indicated that Arab people are still reluctant to use and accept Internet applications technology for various economic and cultural reasons (Al Sukkar and Hasan; 2005; Akour et al; 2006). Thus, this research concentrates on providing rich understanding and insight into the influence of the major determinates on the behavioral intention to adopt and use mobile crowdsourcing technology in such cultural environment on Arab World. Based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) (Venkatesh et al, 2012), the proposed extended model incorporates five constructs: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, subjective norms, hedonic motivation, and cultural values.Recent years have seen and explosion of online social networking as a cyberspace to bring crowdsourcing into a mobile context. Furthermore, advanced social cloud computing and crowdsourcing technologies were utilized in the emergency management. Mobile social networking technology is a powerful platform for leveraging the crowdsourcing in large-scale events or in a crisis management. It provides opportunities for empowering collaborative social concerns. The explosive growth of using social networking in such historical events as Arab spring uprising has provided enabling platform for conducting mobile crowdsourcing in crises management. Despite the increased usage of mobile and Internet applications recent studies indicated that Arab people are still reluctant to use and accept Internet applications technology for various reasons. Thus, the present research has extended the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to study the major determinants of the behavioral intention to accept or adopt crowdsourcing technology in such cultural environment on Arab World. The proposed extended model incorporated five constructs, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, subjective norms, hedonic motivation, and cultural values.
Keywords: Crowdsourcing,IT Adoption.Crisis Management
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