The study that called as the incidents of violance to women and abortion according to court records of Konya at the first half of XVIII. Century, in general scale aims to investigate view of man to woman in familiy in Ottoman Public. Besides, it targets determination of difference of man and woman’s attitutes and behaviors in the scale of case that was seen in court records particularly in Konya. As unspoken topic, there are cases that pegnant women demanded punishment or purchase Money when they aborted or gave prematüre birth after argument and beating. Particularly this study aims to investigate determination of historical bound of leaning about violance to woman; and in generally, aims to investigate view of man to woman in example of Konya public in Konya city which was one of the biggest city of Anatolia in Ottoman Empire era an deven now is between the biggest cities of Republic of Türkiye and is known with conservative side, by using these cases.
Keywords: Woman / Konya / Ottoman
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