Proceedings of the 12th International Academic Conference, Prague




In 2010 un European Union was started Europe 2020 strategy. Aims of this strategy are concentrated on smart, sustainable growth associated with social inclusion. This three areas includes 7 flagship initiatives. In area of smart growth very important is Youth on the move. Mobility of young people is directed to study, learn, train and work. Young people belong to the generation Y, which is usually open to discovering the world, making frequent changes in private and professional life. Thus, these people very well meet the definition of mobility: "t0he ability to move or be moved freely and easily" ( There are different forms of mobility. One of them is career mobility. It lies in the fact that the employee takes the challenge of changing the place of employment. Changing workplace can be both a result of the change of position in the same company but it can also be a result of the need to change the location of employment (including foreign career mobility). Social mobility has to occur during career mobility and is associated with moving to a new community and attempts to appropriate in it functioning. All factors related to career and social mobility may be perceived differently depending on the country and cultural conditions. The purpose of this article is to describe the behavior of young Poles confronted with the necessity of career and social mobility.

Keywords: career mobility, social mobility, Europe 2020, multivariate data analysis

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