According to Schwartz, behaviour is oriented by values through motivations. In our opinion, these values in case of the entrepreneurial behaviour are expressed as entrepreneurial values and factors of strategic orientations in the specific literature. Entrepreneurial orientation includes the dimensions of risk taking, innovativeness and pro-activeness. Learning orientation summarizes the factors of common vision, a commitment to business and the ability to accept bottom-up initiatives in a well-defined approach. We study these orientations because our goal is to describe the value structure of an innovative entrepreneurial behaviour what is desirable in a science park. At first, we investigated the difference between the values of Hungarian citizens and Hungarian entrepreneurs. After that, we assessed whether there is a difference of values among entrepreneurs who have different levels of entrepreneurial or learning orientation. Our results suggest that Hungarian entrepreneurs differ from other citizens in several dimensions of fundamental values, and they also differ in having different strategic orientations.
Keywords: values, entrepreneurial orientation, innovativeness, learning orientation
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