In a world without frontiers, the need for financial information is becoming greater and greater, being considered the main control instrument in economic activities. The transparency of financial information cannot be achieved without accountancy and audit contribution, main factors in identifying the observance of going – concern assumption. Moreover the financial crisis may determine the risk increase which affects the proper development of business, in general and of agricultural activities, in particular. This increase in risk may be interpreted as a greater uncertainty as regards the agricultural companies capacity to continue their activity. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the logical connection between the observance of going concern principle in agricultural activities with the decrease of bankruptcy risk. The necessity to predict the bankruptcy risk is relevant not only for governance and company management but also for all other participants in the social act which interferes with the company. Therefore, the continuation of activity can be assessed by different methods applied to annual financial situations. The analysis is achieved both by using accounting methods and also by financial statistic methods. The present day economic life makes the audit resort to these methods of scientific and statistical analysis, directing the audit to another method – the metric audit. The scientific – technical basis of this paper is given by the research regarding the necessity of going concern – an element of risk management. In order to make this research there have been used information and specialety reference materials. In order to attain the proposal objective there has been used a methodology of fundamental research as regards risk character.
Keywords: going concern, bankruptcy risk, governance, financial statistic methods, scoring-function, metric audit
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.016.067
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