The number of students in the institutions of secondary education approaches 5.5 million in the Turkish education system. Such a big system should be managed very well in order to educate successful students. In successful managements, successful results are obtained by taking proper steps. The key to good management is examination of the current state and determination of correct strategies in agreement with the objectives. This system aims not only at maximum quality but also to minimize the cost. In this way, it will also enhance customer satisfaction and its preferability. Previously used only in the manufacturing systems, lean philosophy is also available in the service sectors today. In this study, the current system at private high schools – one of the most important parts of the education sector included in the service sector – was examined; the processes of the high school were defined and analyzed; and the waste was determined. Lean thinking and lean tools were utilized to eliminate waste and to enhance quality and customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Lean; Lean Management; Process; Process Management; Lean Education System
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.016.051
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