Goal: The goal of this study is to investigate the contribution of mountaineering and wall bars exercises to the physical development of the hearing impaired students. Material and Method: 36 hearing impaired students were involved in the study ( 18 in the experimental group - 18 in the control group). The ages of the students were between 10 and 15. 12 of the students were girls ( 6 in the experimental group - 6 in the control group), and 24 of the students were boys ( 12 in the experimental group - 12 in the control group). 8 of the students study in a primary school and the rest 28 study in a secondary school. All of the students were permitted to take part in the study by both their schools and parents. A special movement training programme was prepared for the research. This programme included the exercises related to dynamic balance, static balance, flexibility, grip strength, back strength and leg strength. During the programme preparation process, great support was received from the associates of the Department of Recreation and Department of Mountaineering. Both the experimental group and the control group students were subjected to some pretests (dynamic balance, static balance, flexibility, grip strength, back strength, leg strength) before the application of that special movement training programme. The study lasted for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, some retests (dynamic balance, static balance, flexibility, grip strength, back strength, leg strength) were applied to the experimental group and the control group, and finally the comparisons were performed. Analysis: Analysing the obtained data with SSPS.16 Program, frequency, percentage, Z values and significance levels were determined. Conclusion and Discussion: A significant (p>0,05 ve p>0, 001) improvement was not observed in the pre-test and post-test data of the control group. On the other hand, in the pre-test and post-test comparisons of the experimental group there were some significant findings reached in the data of (p>0,05) dynamic balance, static balance and flexibility, and in the data (p>0,001) of grip strength, back strength and leg strength.
Keywords: Hearing- impaired, wall bars, movement training programme, recreation
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.016.031
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