Paternalist leadership is a type of behavior which depends on paternalistic thought, and in the basis of this behavior which identifies with father in the family the defending sense, love , selfsacrifise which need taking decisions towards the benefits of other family members without taking his own needs and benefits lie. Patternalist leadership was defined three dimension authotarian leadership, assistant leadership and ethic leadership . Organizational sinism is stated as the thought of organization’s being away from honesty and integrity and as employees’ negative attitudes towards his organization. When the relation between attitude and organizational sinism studied, in cognitive dimension of organizational sinism the belief of organizations’ lack of honesty, in emotional dimension the behaviours disrespect, anger, trouble, embaressment, anxiety, stress, in behavioral dimension employees’ complaints about their organisations, making fun of their organisations and criticising their organisations are seen. In this study the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of the level of Patternalist Leadership of School Directors and the level of teachers’ organizational sinism was tried to be identified.In this sense the answers of these questions were searched: 1.What are the teachers’ perceptions about school directors’ patternalist leadership level and the level of organizational sinism? 2.Are there any differences of teachers’ opinions about school directors patternalist leadership level and level of organizational sinism in terms of gender, professional seniority, graduate level,professional time at the same school and type of school? 3.Is there a correlation between teachers’ perceptions of school directors’ Patternalist Leadership level and the level of teachers’ organizational sinism ? The research is in the relational screening model . The sample group teachers in Uşak city center. In the research simple sample method was employed. In the analyse process unrelated T-Test, One-Way variance analyse were used. According to the results; Teachers’ perceptions about school directors’ patternalist leadership level don’t differ level in terms of gender, professional seniority, graduate level but they differ in terms of professional time at the same school and type of school. Teachers’ sinism levels don’t differ in terms of gender and graduate level but they differ in terms of professional seniority, professional time at the same school and type of school. .There is a significant negative medium level correlation between teachers’ perceptions about helpfulness and moral leadership level of school directors and organizational sinism. Besides that there is a significant positive medium level correlation between teachers’ perceptions about authoritarian leadership level of school directors and organizational sinism.
Keywords: Paternalist leadership, organizational sinism,teachers
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.019.012
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