Abstract: Soft set theory was proposed by Molodtsov [1], for modeling vague ness and uncertainties inherent in the problems of engineering, physical science, biological science, economics, social science, medical science, etc. Recently, studies on soft set theory are progressing rapidly. Then topological structures of soft set and fuzzy soft set have been studied by many authors recently. The notion of soft topology was introduced by Çağman [3].In the later years soft topological structures and their properties have been studied commonly. In this study, we introduce a new approach to soft topology. We construct a new structure by giving the notion of soft points and the fixed point functions. This definition enables us to define soft usual topology. So we can study on soft path-connectedness by this way.
Keywords: Topology, soft topology, usual topology.
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2016.023.005
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