Proceedings of the 28th International Academic Conference, Tel Aviv




Our attitude toward persons with disabilities has changed over time. From considering them as being inferior, disgrace, unfit and so much more, we have come a long way to acknowledging their contributions as productive members of the society. They were once considered as outcasts to a point where we reject them as members of the society. As we grow as human beings, we have learned to embrace diversity, we have come to accept the reality, and we keep on making ways in order to create an environment equal and accessible to all. Instead of removing, contesting or stigmatizing, we acknowledged the existence of persons with disabilities and the limitations of this group in terms of participation in all sectors of our society. Laws were created in order to preserve and maintain equality amongst members of the society. Special interests were given on issues concerning people with disabilities. In the context of human resource and management, a huge amount of progress can be observed in terms of employment of persons with disabilities. The goal of this paper is to examine the policy on human resource management in relations to persons with disabilities. The focus will be on the issues regarding the inadequacy of the policies constructed concerning persons with disabilities specifically the blinds and deaf-mutes. Despite the overwhelming laws on promotion of equality and accessibility on employment with regards to persons with disability, there is still an observable inequality within the workplace and an obvious disparity between the disabled persons and those that are not. There are noticeable problems within these laws passed by the government. The laws are theoretically good; however, certain aspects of the laws or policies are inadequate in achieving their goals. There is a need to review the policies regarding employment of persons with disabilities and to reassess the competence of the unit implementing the policies.

Keywords: Persons with Disabilities, Laws, Policies, Human Resource, Blinds, Deaf-mutes, Equality, Accessibility, Employment, Inadequacy, Disparity

DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2017.028.003

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