The last century was the time for Modern-traditional dichotomy,being effetive in creating monumentality.This was a critical topic to analyze this common contradiction in the borders of Europe to know the dominancy of foundamental desires thorough their manifestations in mouments. This paper aims out to investigate monumentality in Istanbul,Sarajevo and Lisbon as three differenet cities as the case studies with the most critical buildings mentioned by architecture and urban scholars. The research shows that the more geographic location moves toward the west the intensity of modern-Traditional polarity decreases beyond the typical architectural history process which is similar in all areas . The monuments in Istanbul ended in abstract integration of both poles as the effort for defining a real idenitity was hopeless.Sarajevo experienced a dominant modern architecture and urban planning in soclialism and Finally there was a peaceful dialogue as greenspaces evolved in harmony with context and continous spatial tradition
Keywords: Monumentality, Modernism, Tradition, Architecture, Urban Planning, Istanbul, Lisbon, Sarajevo
DOI: 10.20472/AHC.2018.003.001
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