Proceedings of the 3rd Arts & Humanities Conference, Barcelona




Most of the ancient philosophies were actively and seriously involved in solving the riddles of Nature. Much owing to this a few centuries rolled on in understanding the world around us than within. One might think that it was mainly from the period of Socrates that we clearly observe philosophers openly toiling to take on the enigmatic human nature as a focal point and enduring to solve the problems which were continually troubling all. Some of the philosophers preferred to rely mostly on religions in vogue to answer back common man's authentic questions. Some of them went to the extent of declaring or labeling persons who doubted the very existence of God and further his justifying nature, as 'Atheists'. However many had unflinchingly stood by the scientific temper which eventually was not tolerable to the enthusiastic adherents of Theology. Using freely uncommon and rich vocabulary or subject jargons, sticking to the religious sentiments was one of the main weapons. Stoicism although belonging to approximately Third century BC had a very clear vision about the human existence and its predicament. Therefore it could dare to deviate from the overtly practiced idealism and seek a path that would be quite accommodative and true to the then existing reality. Therefore one finds a clear pragmatic approach in Stoic outlook which is usable for all. It could stand firmly by embracing the unalloyed reality to guide the humanity that had been enmeshed by depression, misery, anguish, and feeling of the meaninglessness of life. Unfortunately, even in the modern world, the problems continue with same intensity although scientific development has definitely surpassed our levels of expectations. Stoicism takes into account the basic psychology of human nature and then proposes only those guidelines which are feasible for everyone. It has avoided the temptation of clinging itself to some popular age-old philosophy or criticizing the existing ones. It has established its own firm roots to withstand the onslaught of the vagaries of life. The paper attempts to bring forth the main tenets of Stoic philosophy and its utility in the present mart of the world without underestimating other philosophies.

Keywords: Stoicism, Pragmatic approach, Chief postulates

DOI: 10.20472/AHC.2018.003.003

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