The article is focused on the current situation of automotive industry in the Visegrad Group. The main goal of the article is to analyze the current situation and define the major aspects of automotive industry in V4 countries. The main sources for the article are secondary data gained from publicly available databases. Analyses rely on basic macroeconomic indicators of V4 countries in comparison with German economy as the main leader of automotive industry in Europe. In the comparison of national’s automotive industries are used following indicators: GDP, GDP per capita, unemployment rate, GVA and turnover of automotive industry, Capital Expenditures and vehicles production. All the informations were acquired from well-known and recognized national, European and other international institutions. The result of the analysis is a compact view of automotive industry’s significance in V4 countries, which is according to initial assumption very high. One of the partial outcomes of the analysis is also a finding proving lack of relevance of some indicators frequently used as a sole scale for automotive industry importance. This have been proven especially on the absolute number of produced vehicles, which doesn’t have to describe the capability of national automotive industry in a relevant way. The article also contains recommendations for further research in this field.
Keywords: automotive, cars production, Czech Republic, Hungary, macroeconomics, market analysis, Poland, Slovakia, Visegrad
DOI: 10.20472/BMC.2018.007.001
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