Proceedings of the 1st Business & Management Conference, Vienna




The article deals with some of the modern trends in the development of the marketing concept and the military impact on them. The end of the Cold War dramatically changed the perception about the international security environment concept. The downfall of the Eastern Bloc led to the growth of initial wave of hope and reductions in the military spending, but not long after that it became obvious that the world was still a dangerous place and there were many other conflicts that were not resolved and just waiting to escalate. The essence of conflicts has changed. They were domestic rather than international and many scholars focused upon the influence of civil wars over economics. However, those conflicts remained isolated and in the absence of major conflicts such as the Cold War, the path to the development of the global economy and marketing was clear. The simplest attempt for classification of the military conflicts would divide them into two characteristic types: more likely political (i.e. to impose a specific model of policy, political regime, ideological domination or some form of dictatorship…), or rather economical (for seizing and redistributing of markets, of strategic logistic locations or areas rich in raw materials and resources…). Most often the questions circle around/about clarifications who against who, where, with what ways and what purposes it gives one (or several) military conflicts and in the matter of this circle begins the upgrading - for the motives, interests, the “aggressor” and the “aggrieved party” are defined, inevitably some conclusions are made for the ratio justice/injustice etc. – this provides an incentive for conversations, which are too often emotional and make an endless subjective spiral. In the article the argument is presented that classical marketing is losing its importance; the defining characteristics of the future marketing model are discussed: global consumer’s culture - globalization through higher mobility, mass media, music, sport are studied. Further studies are made into the nature of similar and different types of consumer behavior during military conflicts. Some of the applications of new culture in marketing are shown, along consequences of the development of the marketing concept in Bulgaria.

Keywords: marketing, global consumer, new media, new culture, military conflicts

DOI: 10.20472/BMC.2015.001.011

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