This research aims to analyze leadership in a post-COVID 19 scenario in the public health sector, in the hospitals of La Serena and Coquimbo, in the Coquimbo region, Chile. A relational model with nine hypotheses is proposed, using structural equations through the method of partial least squares, making a differentiation between men and women, from the patients' perspective. It was determined that the quality of the service is a consequence of the positive, direct and indirect influence of effective communication and the empowerment of the work team, where its variance is explained by 82.4% (Men) and 56% (women). It is concluded that it is important to encourage the development of empathetic leadership within public health organizations and their work teams, not only for good care directed to patients and families, but also as a means to raise institutional reputation.
Keywords: Public health, COVID 19, Leadership, Quality of care, Hospital management
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2024.063.002
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