The case study on Learning Resource Schools (LRS) was conducted in Gilgit-Baltistan; a challenging and remote province in Pakistan. The centerpiece is the LRS/Cluster model adopted to accommodate both the shift in understanding of effective pedagogy as well as greater administrative devolution. The study is conducted in the backdrop of new education paradigms where new modes of instruction and training are adopted. It tracks the benefits of improving teaching and learning and streamlining administration/costs in an age of ‘Education for All’ and Universal Primary Education. The study documents both of these considerations as equal important drivers of change in the systems and practices within public education institutions. The analysis of this model in an expanded setting over time, shows evidence of its true efficacy and cost reductions, improving teacher morale and ability, and generating a new type of learner. Though the particular details of each contextual implementation of the LRS model will vary and grow, the underpinning rationale has (at least partially) been justified. It emphasize on more needs based support that is relevant to the practical experience of ground practitioners especially in rural areas and disconnected villages. The study also details the approach’s usefulness in enhancing teachers’ learning in pursuit of their own teaching requirements, sharing a limited resource base, enhancing access to information, and improving students learning. In the wake of limited external support for the underprivileged areas, the study establishes the fact that cluster model is integral to a developing a self-sufficient education resource base.
Keywords: Education Development Improvement
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.015.198
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