The paper discusses the problem of innovation and innovativeness in the field of logistics. Changeability and dynamics of the market bring about that, for modern enterprises, an increasingly noticeable need arises to replace the solutions of the evolutionary nature, applied so far (such as verification, evolution and constant adjustment) with innovative solutions of the revolutionary nature. Therefore, in logistics, there appeared the necessity to not only react quickly at the proper place and time but to search for and implement modern, innovative solutions and concepts. The need for innovation exists both in the field of the whole logistics systems and individual management areas such as: warehousing, distribution and transport etc. The main objective of the paper is to present logistics as the field where innovation plays a very important role by depicting the theoretical aspects of the selected views of the representatives of the world of science with reference to this thematic area and reviewing the results of rankings of modern and innovative solutions in the field of logistics. There have been characterized the concepts of innovation and innovativeness and there has been indicated their essence in the business activity. Subsequently, this problem has been referred to the area of modern logistics as the field being the source of new potentials and providing enterprises with an increase in the effectiveness of functioning. There have also been given the examples of innovative solutions, the most important ones from the perspective of the selected theoreticians of the subject and the practitioners of the logistics activity according to the ranking results. As a result of the analysis of the listed summaries there has been determined the specificity of the innovative solutions applied in the field of logistics.
Keywords: logistics, innovativeness, innovation, logistics innovativeness, innovative product
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.015.079
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