Service Oriented Architecture aids in building IT systems that empower the existing resources and allows for easy modifications that may be required later. This paper proposes a Service Based Software Architecture Model that may provide a solution to the problems of Mattu Gulla growers of Mattu. This papers provides an outline of the architecture and further research can help in the implementation and improvement of the model. Mattu is a village in the Udupi district of Karnataka state in India, also known by name of Matti. This village is famous for a particular variety of brinjal (eggplant) that is grown only in this village famously known as Mattu Gulla. It is grown in an area of about 60 acres. ‘Mattu Gulla’ is also a produce with a GI (geographical indication) tag. The cultivators of Mattu gulla face problems many like price fluctuations, insect attacks, soil related diseases, untimely rain, limited marketing,lack of labour and poor transportation facilities. This paper proposes a Service Based Software Architecture Model that aims to take care of the grievances of the Mattu gulla cultivators.
Keywords: SOA, Software Architecture, Matti, Mattu Gulla
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.015.165
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