Mentoring has been used as a useful personal development tool in both business and academia. Many business organizations apply mentoring programs as part of the staff recruiting and staff development programs. Mentoring programs are important not only for business but also to serve as a bridge between business and academia. This article aims to examine the current positioning of mentoring programs in organizations in the Bulgarian business environment and to compare them with organizational mentoring programs in other developed countries. The author will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of mentoring programs in business, as well as the positive and negative outcomes of such development programs. The article will draw conclusions in the context of the analysis and will make suggestions for future improvements in the Bulgarian business mentoring programs as a strategic tool for staff recruitment and staff development.
Keywords: education, communication, business communication, student communication, interpersonal communication, human resource management, mentoring, mentoring program, human resource development
DOI: 10.20472/IAC.2015.015.074
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