The facilitation of effective driving lesson is the preoccupation of every Technical Vocational Education (TVE) institution offering driving competency program. It is observed that with one steering wheel unit the driving lessons are delayed since both trainee and trainer will take turns positioning in the same steering wheel during demonstration and application of driving competencies. Likewise, the safety of both trainer and trainee is at stake since the trainer’s control of the trainee’s manipulation of the steering wheel and pedals is done only through verbal instruction. This development study aimed to invent Auto-Shift Application Pilot (ASaP) control system to be used in innovating a trainee friendly and a danger-free school driving vehicle. ASaP controls the functioning of the two sets of the steering wheel and two sets of pedal respectively for the trainer and the trainee to facilitate teaching-learning of car driving competencies. Using descriptive design, test and evaluation of the functionality and aesthetic design of ASaP control system were conducted by 5 school driving trainers and 15 driving trainees as respondent. Results showed that ASaP control system is highly functional with the mean score of 4.6 and competitive in its aesthetic design with the mean score of 4.2. It is recommended that this ASaP control system is installed in a school driving vehicle for a trainee friendly and trainee danger free driving lessons.
Keywords: Driving Control System, Driving Lesson, Invention-Innovation, Technical Vocational, Philippines