In many European Union countries, regional and rural development strategies also include rural tourism, which helps to retain the local population, creates new jobs and contributes to the socio-economic progress of underdeveloped areas. Through specialized institutions and funds, the European Union helps and through various forms directly participates in tourism development in rural areas, and the strengthening of rural development policy has become one of the highest priorities of the European Union. Although not a member of the EU, the Republic of Serbia has defined its path of development, which implies strengthening the competitiveness and attractiveness of tourism products, taking into account new world experiences, while relying on own innovations and pre-accession EU funds. This aspect was the starting point for the development of these research and the aim of the authors was to point out one of the ways to use the excess labor force in the tourism sector, how to develop rural tourism and how to use the European funds for the development of regional tourism in the region of Vojvodina.
Keywords: : tourism, employees, organizations, European Union, funds