It is fact that Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have played significant role in the advancement of global economy and economic growth. It is true foreign direct investment (FDI) expanded rapidly but despite of this factuality many controversies have been developed in the developing countries about foreign direct investors and their business conduct. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained noticeable attention and consideration in the Asia continent. Despite of this, less attention has been given to Pakistan with comparison to other countries. MNCs are confronted with salient decision on how to strengthen CSR practices in the interest of poverty reduction in the countries where they operate. The author reviewed peer-reviewed literature investigating Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and how Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) contributed to the reduction of poverty in the Asian developing country of Pakistan.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Multinational Corporations, Foreign Direct Investment, Asia, Developing Countries, Diminishing Poverty.