10th Teaching & Education Virtual Conference, Vienna

The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences organized the 10th Teaching & Education Conference, which was held on September 1, 2020 at the Vienna Library, AustriaThe conference was co-organized by the University of New York in Prague.

Keynote speakers Professors Debra Bourdeau, PhD. and Thomas Sieland, PhD. from the Worldwide College of Arts & Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA, delivered the speech "Developing Initiatives to Create Competency Awareness in Interdisciplinary Online and Blended General Education Programs".

Research work presentations were projected via Zoom Live Presentation or Voice-Over E-Session. Certificates of presentation were issued to participants presenting their research in virtual sessions.

Submitted papers were double-blind peer-reviewed by our external reviewers, based on originality and technical quality. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings on our website. Abstracts were published in the Book of Abstracts

Proceedings of the conference will be published jointly with the Conference Proceedings of the IISES 13th Teaching & Education Conference. Proceedings are indexed in: RePEc, Google Scholar, Research Bible, Research Gate.

The Conference Proceedings will be sent to Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) to be evaluated for coverage in the Web of ScienceTM Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

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