The improvement of the relationship between parents and schools is one of the main challenges of the contemporary researchers, policy makers and educators around the world. Numerous empirical studies conducted in the recent decades provide evidence of the connection between parents' involvement in schooling and student achievement, which leads to the conclusion that positive cooperation between parents and schools emerges as one of the key factors of school effectiveness. Researchers highlight the importance of the school-parent partnership programs evaluation of as one of the most important strategies for establishing positive relations between parents and schools. In order to improve the quality of partnership programs, schools need feedback and parents' opinions about the positive and negative aspects of the mentioned partnership. Due to the importance of the partnership programs’ evaluation, it is evident that many studies examine parents' perceptions of various factors of school effectiveness. In that context, the aim of this paper is to describe the factors that contribute to better understanding of the school-parent partnership, as well as to examine the parents' perceptions of the school effectiveness and its correlation to the parents’ socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, level of education, marital and employment status.
Keywords: school-parent partnership, school effectiveness, attitudes
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