This article examines an under-researched area of education in Chile by exploring how contemporary initial teacher education policy addresses the professionalism of university-based teacher educators. While the content analysis is limited by the data available, its focus is on describing the notion of teacher educators’ professionalism inherent in the current political discourse. First, findings show that policy pays scarce attention to the professionalism of teacher educators; most of these policies are part of general policies for university-based initial teacher education programs. Second, located within the academia, the prevalent view of teacher educators’ professionalism is centered in a particular construction of the teacher-researcher that stresses greater the role of the researcher. Third, policy predominantly defines educators’ professionalism in terms of market-oriented values (competences, knowledge-related resources). Finally, the article concludes by considering the implications for developing initial teacher education policy that puts greater emphasis on teacher educators, strengthens their professionalism, and positions them for an active role in policy-making.
Keywords: teacher educator; professionalism, initial teacher education, qualitative content analysis, policy-making
DOI: 10.20472/TEC.2019.008.009
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