Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Finance & Business, Paris

Review Process

Papers submitted for possible presentation at a conference and for publication in the conference proceedings are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process.

Submitted articles may be rejected without being sent out to review if the following requirements are not fully met:

  • Article is easy to read without complicated language. Language is clear and grammar is correct.
  • Article fits with the aims and scope of the journal and it offers new knowledge and research findings
  • Article should not have any unethical publishing nor unethical research practices
  • Abstracts are easy to understand and provide an adequate summary of each article's content

Referees are asked to classify the paper as acceptable for presentation and publication, acceptable with amendments and improvements, or not acceptable.

Referees each return a peer-review of the paper to the conference chair. The role of the referees is advisory. The review process is usually completed within two weeks. Authors of the accepted papers then receive an acceptance letter.

Review form

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